Ruijie Ren

Ruijie Ren is a Ph.D. Student at Waseda University (早稲田大学) supervised by Prof. Edgar Simo-Serra. He obtained a Master's degree in Autonomous Systems at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) under the supervision of Prof. Jeppe Revall Frisvad. In 2020, he obtained a Bachelor's degree with first class honours in Mechanical Engineering from University of Leeds.

He was very fortunate to have worked as a Research Assistant at Visual Intelligence Lab, Nanyang Technological University supervised by Prof. Shijian Lu in Computer Vision and Domain Adaptation. In 2021, he joined Perception and Manipulation Group in IRI (CSIC-UPC) and worked in Robotic Perception and 3D Reconstruction with Prof. Francesc Moreno-Noguer and Prof. Krystian Mikolajczyk. During his undergraduate study, he focused on Epidemic Dynamics and Multi-agent Systems under supervision of Prof. Ji Liu.

ruijieren98 [AT]
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Waseda University
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Sep. 2023 - Present


Nanyang Technological University
Research Assistant
Jan. 2022 - Mar. 2024


Technical University of Denmark
M.Sc. in Autonomous Systems
Jan. 2021 - Jul. 2023

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial
Research Assistant
Mar. 2021 - Mar. 2022


University of Leeds
B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering with honours
Sep. 2016 - Jul. 2020


  • July 2024: One paper is accepted to ECCV 2024!
  • Jan. 2024: One paper is accepted to ICRA 2024!
  • Sep. 2023: Begin my Ph.D. studies at Simo-Serra Lab!
  • Feb. 2023: One paper is accepted to CVPR 2023!
  • Oct. 2022: One paper is accepted to ICMVA 2023!
  • Oct. 2021: One paper is accepted to SII 2022!
  • Jul. 2021: One paper is accepted to CDC 2021!
  • Feb. 2020: One paper is accepted to IFAC 2020!
  • Feb. 2019: Participated RVSS2019 summer school in Canberra, Australia!

My research interests span the fields of Robotics and Computer Vision, particularly visual odometry, object detection, 3d reconstruction, representation learning and domain adaptation.

I am open to research discussion and collabration, please feel free to contact me by email :)
Selected Publications (-> All Publications)
clean-usnob CAT-SAM: Conditional Tuning Network for Few-Shot Adaptation of Segmentation Anything Model
Aoran Xiao, Weihao Xuan, Heli Qi, Yun Xing, Ruijie Ren, Xiaoqin Zhang, Ling Shao, Shijian Lu
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024
[paper] [code]
clean-usnob Estimating 3D Uncertainty Field: Quantifying Uncertainty for Neural Radiance Fields
Jianxiong Shen, Ruijie Ren, Adria Ruiz, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024
clean-usnob 3D Semantic Segmentation in the Wild: Learning Generalized Models for Adverse-Condition Point Clouds
Aoran Xiao, Jiaxing Huang, Weihao Xuan, Ruijie Ren, Kangcheng Liu, Dayan Guan, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, Shijian Lu, Eric Xing
IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), 2023
[paper] [code]
clean-usnob Grasp-Oriented Fine-grained Cloth Segmentation without Real Supervision
Ruijie Ren, Mohit Gurnani Rajesh, Jordi Sanchez-Riera, Adrian Lopez-Rodriguez, Fan Zhang, Yurun Tian, Guillem Alenya, Antonio Agudo, Yiannis Demiris, Krystian Mikolajczyk, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications (ICMVA), 2023
clean-usnob MaskVO: Self-Supervised Visual Odometry with Learnable Dynamic Mask
Weihao Xuan, Ruijie Ren, Siyuan Wu, Changhao Chen
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 2022
On a Discrete-Time Network SIS Model with Opinion Dynamics
Yixuan Lin, Weihao Xuan, Ruijie Ren, Ji Liu
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021
On a Network SIS Model with Opinion Dynamics
Weihao Xuan, Ruijie Ren, Philip E. Paré, Mengbin Ye, Sebastian Ruf, Ji Liu
International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress (IFAC), 2020
[paper] [presentation]
Selected Projects
IEEE RAS SLAM Winter School Project
University of Technology Sydney (Online)
July, 2021
  • Implemented a Monocular Depth Estimation network using Tensorflow 2.0
  • Awarded 3rd Place in the workshop competition.
  • [code] [website]
    Robotic Vision Summer School Project
    Australian Center for Robotic Vision, Canberra, Australia
    Feb, 2019
  • Collected data and trained vision-based mobile robot to drive along a 'road'.
  • Awarded 2nd Place in the workshop competition.
    [code] [website]
  • Others

    Japan Science and Technology Agency Fellowship: JST SPRING (2023.9-2024.5), JST BOOST (2024.6-2026.9)

    template adapted from this awesome website
    Last updated: June 2024